Pending further nurse faculty review, website access has been blocked. I hope to be back up soon. Sincerely, Rusty




Welcome to, a resource page for AB Tech ADN students. Under the tabs you will find links to mp3 files of class lectures. All of the lectures are titled the same as their respective BlackBoard folder. I've tried to keep the files under 30min, so they are split into sections. You can stream them, however right click and "save target as" may work better---these are very large files, slower internet connections may not handle them well. If anyone has anything to add please email me and i will post it here.


Thanks to Brynn Barale and Jenn Rhinehart, an Excel version of our Med Page.




******Updates from the SGA******

The 2nd year students have asked me to announce that they are hosting a "Pot Luck Lunch" for the 1st year students on Nov. 23 at 11 am in room 244. We do not have to bring anything but ourselves, they will provide the food. They all want to meet us...April Connelly.